Sunday, April 4, 2010

Whats New!

Some new things that are comeing is the new blog it will be called Life of a billionaire boy so thats something new. Also my Demo tape that comes out late December and the Tp Clothing line so thats all.

At The Movies!

Clash of the Titans
This is a great movie but not that good. I heard that they gave the movie a 63% out of 100% so the movie is not that great. But if you like those movie go see it.

My Thoughts Of Th3 Day

Sorry for not blogging a lot just that i was at NYC for Spring break. So in his blog im going to show you some of the things i got. I went to a lot of stores like Louie v, Gucci, BBC/ICE CREAM, and KidRobot. It was so fun so here are some of the things that i got.

K33P Subcribing.